Halloween is coming fast, and soon your neighbors will be putting up their exterior home halloween decorations. If you’re not ready for the Halloween season yet, check out these fun garage door decor ideas which can help turn your home into a place of fun and fright.
1. Make Your Garage Into a Monster
Cover your garage door with a black tarp that’s painted with sharp, silver teeth lining the top and bottom. This turns your garage door into a giant, gaping mouth.
You can stop there, or place eyes over your garage door to give the appearance that your garage is a massive monster, waiting to gobble you up.
This project is easy to complete in an afternoon if you have the right materials. This is a relatively easy project for homeowners with a love for DIY projects, but who don’t have a lot of time to make a complicated project.
You can also find halloween garage door decor kits and garage door covers on popular retail sites such as Home Depot and Amazon if you do not want to DIY your project.
2. Spooky Silhouettes in Windows
If your garage door has windows, this is the perfect opportunity to place spooky silhouettes in your garage door windows. Cut out bats, skulls, witch heads and other shapes from black construction paper, and tape the paper to the windows. Older children like this project because they can do it with little or no help.
When placing the silhouettes in the windows, first tape the black construction paper shapes to the windows, then tape thin, yellow tissue paper over the entire window. This ensures that the contents of the garage will not be visible when the light is on, and instead, passersby will only see a soft yellow glow behind the silhouettes.
3. Spiders and Spider Webs
Spiders are scary, especially giant spiders! Hang artificial spider webs on your garage, and then make or buy large scary spiders to hang from them. You can make your own spiders with black garbage bags filled with paper (for the body) and black piping for the legs.
This is a good project for anyone who wants to maintain use of their garage door during the Halloween season, because the spider webbing can be strategically placed away from the garage door opening.
4. Cast Shadows
Casting shadows on your garage door is an excellent way to make your door look dramatic, while still giving you the ability to open and close the door as needed.
Place wooden or foam tombstones in front of your garage door, and then place lights in front of those tombstones, angled upward, to cast eerie shadows on your garage door.
5. Make a Haunted House
If you’re looking for something even more dramatic for this Halloween season, plan to turn your garage into a haunted house. On the door itself, hang a sign that announces your haunted house. The sign might say: “Haunted house, coming soon!” and below it, place a second sign that counts down to Halloween.
Do you need garage door service or repair? Contact Overhead Door of Wilmington. We provide garage door repair and installation for the people of Wilmington.